Seeking volunteers for the Bee Booth at the Thurston County Fair

Want to help us create a fun and educational experience for fairgoers?? The Thurston County Fair is July 31 to August 4 this year. We need support both before and during the Fair. BEFORE: Bee booth makeover Our booth needs a little TLC. We’re planning on some cleaning, light construction, and painting. If you want (more…)

Master Gardeners’ Plant Suggestions

Want to grow plants to help our local bees? One of our members happens to also be a Master Gardener! The local chapter is the Master Garener Foundation of Thurston County. She shared this list of links with us. The links below provide lots of information on what to plant for pollinators in our area. (more…)

Flowering Plant Suggestions

Early Summer Bee Flowers Pale Purple Coneflower (Echinacea pallida, perennial): An elegant beauty with fine, drooping petals, the pale purple coneflower is a bee favorite that also produces seeds much loved by finches. A native of grasslands and savannahs across the Eastern United States, this tough coneflower will bloom for up to three weeks from June to (more…)