Monday, November 21st, 2022, 6pm to 8pm

Swantown Inn
1431 11th Ave SE
Olympia WA 98501
Swantown Inn has limited car park space, but plenty of parking around the corner on Central. Only park up the drive if you have mobility issues. Please follow directions of parking attendant.
Attending Online?
Annual Membership Meeting
Monday, November 14 · 6:00 – 8:00pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/jqg-foax-eii
Or dial: (US) +1 747-253-0824 PIN: 781 137 246#
More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/jqg-foax-eii?pin=1770488719457
This is our Annual General Meeting where elections will take place. See nominations here.
You are strongly encouraged to bring a jar of your honey. We have had multiple requests to do a honey tasting. We will be providing a way to do this.
Paul Longwell, the Honey Judge, will be showing us how to present and enter your honey for judging at the County Fair (you could also enter the State Fair).
Nathan Allan will be presenting changes to the Web site that have been enacted over the past few months, including our new online membership directory.
We plan on this being a fun night. There may be a couple of surprises as well!