• Nosema, Yellow Jackets and Cocktails
    For our February general meeting we had Brian Fackler. He provided an entertaining and informative presentation on Nosema, and Yellowjacket control. As a bonus he has shared a honey based cocktail recipe presentation as well! Brain is a Washington resident but member of the Portland Urban Beekeepers, and holds certifications as a Cornell University Master (more…)
  • Association meeting minutes – 2/10/25
    Attendees 37 in person, 3 online President Treasurer Membership Coordinator Vice President Education Librarian Outreach A couple members are working on a list of plants to grow more flowers for our bees
  • Board meeting minutes – 1/18/25
    Attendees: Nathan, David, Gail, Bryan, Jordan, Camy 2025 Goals 2025 Budget 2025 Schedule
  • Association meeting minutes – 1/13/25
    Attendees: 24 people in person, 1 online Please bring raffle items (bee-related items, or fresh eggs, etc.) to the next meeting. Raffle tickets are $1 each. Nathan will be applying for the 2025 Inspire Olympia grant soon. Library: New bookcase. Check out books during meetings or Sat/Sun 8:00 am to noon. Renew membership for 2025. (more…)
  • Association meeting minutes – 11/11/24
    Attendees: 25 people in person, 7 online Board updates and good-to-knows: Speaker: Jeff Ott, Preparing Honey Bee Colonies for the Pacific Northwest Winter
  • Native Plant Resources for our area.
    Nursery Directory and Bee Friendly Plant List This is the answer to a question I had from the audience last night: Q: What native plants should I put in my yard that can withstand our hotter summers, and provide a high level of pollen and nectar for the pollinators? 1.    Echinacea 2.    Black-eyed Susan 3.    Aster 4.    Lupine 5.    Alpine columbine (more…)
  • Pollinator Presentation 2024
    Web links from the Pollinator Presentation, October 2024Penny Longwell, WSU Thurston County Master Gardener For more of what WSU is doing: https://bees.wsu.edu/Article link about Alkali bees. https://www.honeybeesuite.com/alkali-bees-face-death-by-highway/ WSU and alfalfa growers set aside a large area (120acres) for the Alkali Bee. The location is in the Touchet valley of easternWashington. Mason Bee Resources: https://www.usda.gov/media/press-releases/2016/05/12/usda-releases-results-new-survey-honey-bee-colony-health Native (more…)
  • Association meeting minutes – 10/14/24
    Attendees: 26 in person, 5 online Board reports: Speaker tonight: Penny Longwell, “The Birds and The Bees”
  • Board meeting minutes – October 2, 2024
    Attendees: Nathan, Kristina, Gail, David, Bryan, Lynn, Camy
  • Association meeting minutes – 9/9/24
    38 in attendance: ALL are in person at the club apiary at the Freedom Farm, 3 are new members Intro to the Freedom Farm from Blue, the Founder Discussion about what the club wants out of the apiary Other club updates Mentorship Chair led a live hive inspection of the 2 hives currently located in (more…)
  • OBA Discussion Group
    We are launching a Discussion Group for member and non-members to be able to ask questions and discuss beekeeping. The platform we are using is Google Groups. We believe it is fairly simply to use, and works something like a List Serve. If you do not know what that is, it is simply a way (more…)
  • The 2024 Fair Report
    The 2024 Thurston County Fair wrapped up Sunday and with it the theme of “bees”. Thanks to part of the grant from Inspire Olympia we were able to rejuvenate and refresh the Bee Booth. Included in the upgrades; The feedback we received from both fairgoers and members was great! It was noticed that we had (more…)
  • Entering your Honey at the Thurston County Fair
    Where? The Thurston County Fairgrounds. When? 29th July, Noon until 6pm What? One pound queen line jars. Either glass or plastic allowed. (If you need these Nathan has some available for purchase). Here are some basic honey showing tips. These come straight from the Honey Judge!
  • Easier Signup and Login
    We moved to an online membership system 2 or 3 years ago now. When of the barriers has been the login. As most of you do not log in often, you forget or need to reset your password every time. We agree that that is a trial at times! So as part of our Inspire (more…)
  • Supplemental Board Vote
    While David (Treasurer) and Nathan (President) were at our bank updating access and creating the board approved checking account for our Inspire Olympia funds, it was suggested that we open a Credit Card that would give us protections a debit card does not in the case of online purchases. The motion is made by email (more…)
  • Board meeting minutes – July 7, 2024
  • Seeking volunteers for the Bee Booth at the Thurston County Fair
    Want to help us create a fun and educational experience for fairgoers?? The Thurston County Fair is July 31 to August 4 this year. We need support both before and during the Fair. BEFORE: Bee booth makeover Our booth needs a little TLC. We’re planning on some cleaning, light construction, and painting. If you want (more…)
  • Next meeting – Summer Picnic!
    It’s already time for our annual summer potluck picnic: Monday, July 8, 6:00pm to 8:00pm This year, we’ll meet at the Freedom Farm, the location of our growing club apiary! Freedom Farm (off Yelm Highway)4800 Siskiyou Street SEOlympia, WA 98501 Parking: Please Park along Siskiyou Street. There is a small dirt and gravel lot for those (more…)
  • Association meeting minutes – 5/13/24
    34 in attendance: 32 in person, 2 online Club Updates Speaker – Jordan Bramwell, on making splits
  • Master Gardeners’ Plant Suggestions
    Want to grow plants to help our local bees? One of our members happens to also be a Master Gardener! The local chapter is the Master Garener Foundation of Thurston County. She shared this list of links with us. The links below provide lots of information on what to plant for pollinators in our area. (more…)
  • Board meeting minutes – April 18, 2024
    Attendees: Nathan, David, Lynn, Kristina, Camy, Bryan Updates:
  • Association meeting minutes – 4/8/24
    36 in attendance: 34 in person, 2 online Club Updates Other bee-related updates Speaker – Dewey Caron – talked about winter losses and diagnosing a dead hive. Lack of mite control is the most common cause of winter loss. The Honey Bee Coalition has fabulous information about varroa mite control. Varroa Management – Honey Bee (more…)
  • Flowering Plant Suggestions
    Early Summer Bee Flowers Pale Purple Coneflower (Echinacea pallida, perennial): An elegant beauty with fine, drooping petals, the pale purple coneflower is a bee favorite that also produces seeds much loved by finches. A native of grasslands and savannahs across the Eastern United States, this tough coneflower will bloom for up to three weeks from June to (more…)
  • Bee Friendly Flowers
    Bird’s Foot Trefoil A member of the pea family, Bird’s Foot Trefoil is a classic component of wildflower seed mixes, providing both pollen and nectar during the summer months. Wild Blackberry Flowering from late spring to early summer, Wild Blackberry bushes provide a feast for honeybees. Well-pollinated, they later produce abundant blackberry crops to feed (more…)
  • Honey Bee Health Coalition & Field Guide
    As discussed in the latest Apprentice Beekeepers Class, a great resource for the health of bees, and in particular the latest on battling Varroa Mites is the Honey Bee Health Coalition. Another useful resource mention ed was the Penn State publication, A Field Guide to Honey Bees and Their Maladies. If you order direct there (more…)
  • Bulk Jar Order – 2024
    The OBA is going to make a bulk jar order. This is for jars for packaging the honey we will sell at the Thurston County Fair and other outreach events. We are giving members the ability to add to this order, thus helping us get lower bulk pricing. This year we are ordering in bulk (more…)
  • Association meeting minutes – 3/11/24
    21 in attendance; 20 in person, 1 online Please sign in! Updates Hive Mind Q&A – what should we be doing right now? Speaker today – Bri Price
  • Outreach Requests
    Are you looking for a speaker for your class, group or event? In an effort to track these requests better we have put together a form you can fill out. We will do our best to fulfill these requests but as a volunteer organization it can be difficult at times. Loading…
  • Association meeting minutes – February 12, 2024
    33 people in attendance: 30 in person, 3 online Welcome new members!
  • Queen Rearing Workshop
    WSU Bee Program is planning a queen rearing workshop this summer. We want to hear from you about desired content! Please see the announcement below and take the survey if you want to give your anonymous input and plan on attending.
  • Board meeting notes – January 18, 2024
    Attendees: Nathan, David, Gail, Bryan, Roy, Kristina, Camy
  • Association meeting minutes – January 8, 2024
    28 people in attendance; 24 in person, 3 online Welcome new members!
  • OBA 2024 Planning Survey
    The Board is meeting in early January to identify the association’s goals and plan for 2024. We need your help to prioritize goals for this year with the limited resources we have. We’d also like to better understand our member’s interest in volunteering to support the association. You can include your name or choose to complete (more…)
  • Association meeting minutes – November 13, 2023
    18 people in attendance; 16 in person, 2 online Welcome new members!
  • Association meeting minutes – October 9, 2023
    12 people in attendance; 9 in person, 3 online Welcome new members! Officer reports: Presentation from Kay Crawford, Bee Inspired Garden, on gardening for pollinators
  • Member Spotlight – Camy N.
    OBA Secretary OBA Member – 4 years A fun fact or quote: Our beekeeping motto is “Make more bees!” Q: How long have you been a Beekeeper? A:  We took a beekeeping apprenticeship course through OBA and became a member after that. We’ve been members for about four years.  Q: Describe why you became a (more…)
  • Association meeting minutes – Sept 11, 2023
    23 people in attendance; 19 in person, 4 online Welcome new members! Updates from the Board Speaker: Ernie Schmidt – Master Beekeeper Ernie believes the most important thing about being a beekeeper is keeping bees alive. Even though he is a Washington State Certified Beekeeper and well versed in conventional beekeeping, but he is not (more…)
  • Board meeting minutes – August 5, 2023
    Attendees: Nathan, David, and Camy in person; Catie and Gail on Zoom Finances are in good shape Membership Association meetings Education Mentorship Library Equipment Outreach
  • Member Spotlight – Nathan Allan
    Nathan Alan OBA President OBA Member – 10 years  Q: How long have you been a Beekeeper? A:  I’ve been a member for about 10 years. I became a member right after I took a Beekeeping Apprenticeship Course. I remember I got bees the very first year I was a member. Q: Describe why you (more…)
  • 2023 Thurston County Fair – Volunteers for Bee Booth
  • Association meeting minutes – June 12, 2023
    33 people in attendance; 30 in person, 3 online Officer reports Upcoming events Presentation from Dewey Caron on Reducing Losses: PNW Survey on Overwinter.
  • Member Spotlight – David Bruun
    OBA Treasurer. Other positions previously held include: Acting President, Vice President & Speakers Coordinator OBA Member – 18 years (Since 2005!) Fun fact –  Bees have the ability to distinguish numbers. Check out this Science News article “Honeybees order numbers from left to right…” from October, 2022. The article informs readers about a study related (more…)
  • Association meeting minutes – May 8, 2023
    29 people in attendance; 24 in person, 5 online Officer reports Presentation from Dave Muehleisen on Varroa Mites.
  • Member Spotlight – Bryan Henn
    OBA Mentorship Representative OBA Member – 3 years Fun fact – Washington is home to at least 600 species of native bees! Q: How long have you been a Beekeeper? A: 5 years   Q: Describe why you became a Beekeeper and your overall beekeeping strategy. A: I wanted a hobby and beekeeping was something to (more…)
  • Last Minute Super NUC Offer
    Andy Matelich has a last minute deal on 10 frame deep “NUCs”. Pickup is in the Olympia area; “Many of you know me from the Olympia club. If anyone still wants bees, I was able to contact a friend of mine in California who has a small commercial operation. With the wet spring they have (more…)
  • Native Mayan Beekeeping of the Yacutan Peninsula.
    If you missed the April Meeting it was Jim Jones, who presented “Melipona BeecheiiKo’olel Kaab”, or basically the Native Mayan Beekeeping of the Yacutan Peninsula. Here is a link to the slideshow.
  • Association meeting minutes – April 10, 2023
    29 people in attendance; 26 in person, 3 online Officer reports Special guest: Jim Jones – presenting on Mayan beekeeping practices
  • Future Apprenticeship Class
    We are planning on another Apprenticeship Class, probably on Sundays towards the end of April, and in person. If you are interested please fill out this waiting list form.
  • Board meeting minutes – April 1, 2023
    Attendees: Nathan and David in person; Catie, Lynn, and Camy on Zoom Minutes & goals Bee Faire evaluation Membership update Outreach Purchasing honey Paul was planning on getting the next Beeline out today Club membership in state organizations Equipment Library Meeting topics/speakers through June Quarterly board meeting tentative schedule – first Saturday of each quarter. (more…)
  • Board Meeting – Second Quarter 2023
    The Board is formalizing regular board meetings. We held our first quarter, goal setting board meeting in January. You can read the minutes for this here. we have decided to make sure we are holding these meetings quarterly. All members are welcome at these meetings, but they are designed to keep the association functioning and (more…)
  • Association meeting minutes – March 13, 2023
    47 people in attendance – 45 in person, 2 online Officer reports Update from Jeff Ott – Beekeeping Today Podcast Reminder! Everyone please register your hives with the state! You will only be protected as a beekeeper if your hives are registered. Also if you live in the city of Olympia, this registration is required (more…)
  • Bee Faire : March 13th 6pm
    At the March 13th meeting of the Olympia Beekeepers Association, the club will host some locally-based honey bee vendors for you to visit. Each vendor will have a table where you can meet with them. You can learn what they have to offer in 2023, including: nucs and packages, delivery schedules and locations, prices, and (more…)
  • Hive Choices
    Article by Debra Langley-Boyer, Member of OBA and President of Belfair & Beyond Beekeepers. Debra presented the following information at the February 2023 General Meeting. Which hive is best for you? Honeybee’s can use a great variety of places for their hive.  Beekeepers provide hives for the bees as a convenience to the beekeeper.  Different (more…)
  • Association meeting minutes – February 13, 2023
    28 people in attendance – 22 in person, 6 on Zoom Officer reports Special Guest: Debra Langley-Boyer – Hive Choices: Which hive is best for you?
  • Equipment for Sale
    The Association has some used equipment for sale. It is all in great condition. Contact Nathan Allan for details.
  • February Meeting – Choosing the right hive type
    Next Meeting? Debra Langley-Boyer, Choosing the right Hive type Monday, February 13th, 2023, 6pm to 8pm To join virtually use: TBA Where? Swantown Inn, The Grand Victorian Ballroom 1431 11th Ave SE, Olympia WA (Get Directions) Parking? Swantown Inn has limited car park space, but plenty of parking around the corner on Central. Only park (more…)
  • Association meeting minutes – January 23, 2023
    38 people in attendance Nathan reviewed the notes from the last board meeting. Additional notes: Speaker tonight: Alan Woods, Woods Bee Co.
  • General Meeting – Alan Woods
    Monday January 23rd 6pm To join virtually use: meet.google.com/ozo-aqdc-rhv
  • Board Meeting Minutes – January 21,2023
  • Board Meeting – Agenda
    When? Board Meeting – Planning for 2023 Saturday, January 21st, 2023, 11am to 1pm Where? Swantown Inn, The Grand Victorian Ballroom 1431 11th Ave SE, Olympia WA (Get Directions) Parking? Swantown Inn has limited car park space, but plenty of parking around the corner on Central. Only park up the drive if you have mobility (more…)
  • Bee Supplier Resource List Updated
    Thanks to Roy Manicke for the updates for our Resource page.
  • Winter Apprentice Level Class
    NOTE: New Apprenticeship Class starts February 8th going through to April 5th. If you are somewhat new to beekeeping, want to start beekeeping, or want to refresh your knowledge and skills about beekeeping, the Apprentice Level course is for you! This course will be held online from February 8th through April 5th, Wednesday evenings at (more…)
  • 2022 Annual Meeting Report
    On November 21 2022, we held our Annual Meeting at The Swantown Inn’s Grand Victorian Ballroom. There were 20 people physically present and 4 people via Google Meet. Membership Report As of today, we stand at 126 members (paid annually) and 5 lifetime members. The membership year is January through December. Anyone who signs up (more…)
  • RESCHEDULED to 21st November 2022 – Annual Meeting
    When? Monday, November 21st, 2022, 6pm to 8pm Where? Swantown Inn 1431 11th Ave SE Olympia WA 98501 (Get Directions) Parking? Swantown Inn has limited car park space, but plenty of parking around the corner on Central. Only park up the drive if you have mobility issues. Please follow directions of parking attendant. Attending Online? (more…)
  • Apprentice Class – Purchase Certificate of Completion for $10
    This offer and information is ONLY for the people who are currently taking the Apprenticeship Class with Gail and Margaret. Washington Master Beekeepers Association offers a Certificate of Completion after successfully completing the Apprenticeship Level course.  The cost is $10.  Deadline to order a Certificate is November 30, 2022.  (Payment window closing at the end (more…)
  • Book Review – The Orchard Mason Bee
    The Orchard Mason Bee; The Life History, Biology, Propagation, and Use of a North American Native Bee (Osmia lignaria propinqua Cresson) by Brian L. Griffin and Illustrated by Sharon Smith and the Author 3rd printing 2011  Knox Cellars Publishing, Bellingham, WA Here is a great resource for “How To” capture and raise these mild mannered pollinators in (more…)
  • Cascade Venom Collection – AKA The Bee Man
    In late summer we all see a lot more yellow jacket, hornet and wasp activity. The OBA does not provide removal services for anything other than honey bees. If you need help identifying, then removing anything else, and you have not sprayed the offending insects, then you can call Cascade Venom Collection for free removal. (more…)
  • Northern Giant Hornets (AKA Murder Hornets)
    We had the pleasure of hosting, Cassie Cichorz from Washington Department of Agriculture, Plant Protection-Pest Program for an update on the Northern (Asian) Giant Hornet.  Recently given the common name “Northern Giant Hornet”, they are currently only reported in Northern Washington State, however could theoretically hitch hike to our area. For more information visit the (more…)
  • OBA Elections – Nominations
    We are holding elections at the November meeting. We have recently talked with a few of the current board members and nominees and they have decided they would like to decline the nomination. If you are interested please reach out to the President, the association is only as good as it’s volunteers!. You may nominate (more…)
  • September Member Meeting
    Murder Hornets! Did we get your attention? Where? Thurston County Fairgrounds 3054 Carpenter Rd SE Lacey, WA 98503  When? Monday September 12th 2022 Heritage Hall – It’s the main building to the right, as you enter the main gate. Guest speaker:  Cassie Cichorz from Washington Department of Agriculture, Plant Protection-Pest Program for an update on (more…)
  • Board Meeting Agenda – August 15th, 2022 @ 6pm
    Where? Swantown Inn & Spa, Ballroom, 1431 11th Ave SE Olympia When? August 15th at 6pm All current board members, appointees and chairs, along with any members who are interested in serving on the board are invited to this meeting. This agenda document is a live document! Let vicepresident@olympiabeekeepers.org know if you want something added (more…)
  • OBA Members Group
    The OBA started its own private, members only Facebook Group during the pandemic. It is called “OBA Members”. The only way you get to be a member is to be paid up for the year. It is not the same as the “Olympia Beekeepers Discussion” Group. This is run administrated by a local beekeeper, and (more…)
  • Fall 2022 Apprentice Class
    NOTE: The Fall Apprenticeship Class is now full. Class starts September 21st. You should have received an email from education@olympiabeekeepers.org If you are somewhat new to beekeeping, want to start beekeeping, or want to refresh your knowledge and skills about beekeeping, the Apprentice Level course is for you! This course will be held on Zoom (more…)
  • Bee Booth – Thurston County Fair
    We still need more volunteers for the association’s Bee Booth. Shifts are 4 hours. It includes admission to the fair. Note that we are not picky volunteers can cross over standard shifts. Email vicepresident@olympiabeekeepers.org to get yourself added to the schedule. Wednesday 27th July 10-2pm: Nathan Allan and Family 2-6pm: Pam Binder 6-9pm: David Bruun (more…)
  • Honey Judging – Thurston County Fair
    It is also not too late to enter your honey for judging. The  Honey contest entries are being judged by association member and master beekeeper Paul Longwell on the 26th.   Anyone wanting to enter honey needs to look at the fair rules in the exhibitor book.   CLASS 8 – HONEYEntry time: July 29th, 1 (more…)
  • Summer Member Picnic
    When? Monday July 11th, 5pm and ends when the last member leaves! Where? Lions Park, Eastside Neighborhood, Olympia (Map) What? Burgers, Hotdogs and Drinks provided. Members please bring a side dish or dessert.
  • June Meeting Recap – What Bees Want
    The association had Jacqueline and Susan, Washingtonians and authors of “What Bees Want”. They said we should share their web site that basically covers the presentation they made to the club. they are definitely “natural beekeepers”, keeping bees more for the love than the honey (although they do get that too, just in smaller quantities). (more…)
  • Volunteer Opportunities
    Thurston County Fair – Bee Booth Volunteering with OBA is a rewarding experience – getting to share information about honeybees, honey-tasting and seeing eyes light up at the sight of our observation hive is just plain fun!  Build professional and personal skills and gain confidence in your beekeeping practices at the same time! Even if (more…)
  • Swarm Season is here!
    Call the Olympia Beekeepers Association SWARM Coordinator at 360.515.1068 and we will coordinate finding a member who can respond to help you. It is important to have the following information; Location: Address Height from ground Access to the swarm Telephone contact number Any other pertinent information you can provide Association Members can request to be on the Swarm (more…)
  • May 2022 – Meeting Agenda
    May 9, 2022, 6:00 – 8:00 Heritage Hall, Thurston County Fairgrounds Call to order Welcome New Members Acceptance of past meeting minutes Minutes taker for meeting Treasurer’s Report Membership Report Librarian Report Outreach Report – Steve Walker PSA – radio station? Times? Hands-on Childrens’ – 07/15-07/16 – contact Steve Walker Ukrainian Beekeepers: www-honeyua-com www.beeculture.com/brotherhood-of-ukrainian-beekeepers/ Appeal (more…)
  • Board Elections have been postponed.
    This is your chance to join the Board and make your mark on the club! Members can make a nomination by clicking HERE! You can see the By-Laws that help run the association here.
  • Links to check out while school is out!
    1. OBA member Jeff Ott’s Podcast Beekeeping Today – Click HERE to check out all of the episodes including a Four-Part series on getting started. 2. Learn about honey bee nutrition! Read Fat Bees Skinny Bees -a manual on honey bee nutrition for beekeepers- click HERE! 3. Member Library! It will be a few more months (more…)
  • November Meeting
    Tuesday, November 12, 2019  7:00-9:00 PM Chinook Middle School Cafeteria 4301 6th Ave NE Lacey, WA 98516 Apprentice Class Meets in the Cafeteria 6:00 – 7:00 pm Sustainability Group Meets in the Library 6:00 – 7:00 pm Journeyman Meeting Monday, November 18, 2019  6:00-8:00 PM Chinook Middle School Library 4301 6th Ave NE Lacey, WA (more…)
  • Upcoming Meeting Guest Speaker – TUESDAY November 12th
    Please make note that our November meeting will not be on the second Monday of the month because the school will be closed for Veterans Day November 11, 2019. It will be on the following Tuesday, November 12, 2019.
  • Upcoming Meeting Guest Speaker – October 14th
      Our guest speaker will be Danny Naraha.
  • Observation Hive (OH) Connections
    The OBA Observation Hives (OH) can hold two Langstroth frames in a secured glass case. Primarily used at club events as a conversation starter and educational tool, it is also available to club members looking to connect others to bee culture.  The summer fairs are a high impact for OBA outreach.  During the fair days (more…)
  • Capitol Honey Bee Project Update
    In spring of 2016, two honey bee hives were installed on the grounds of the Governor’s mansion in Olympia. Both hives began collecting pollen and nectar from local blossoms, carrying it back to their new “homes.” As the Olympia Beekeepers Association project team continued to check on their progress, one of the hives demonstrated signs (more…)
  • PNW Survey of Bee Health & Beekeeping Practices
    Survivorship Survey – by Dewey M. Caron Last year, 271 OR/WA backyarder beekeepers returned April surveys on overwintering colony losses/survivorship, and management such as colony feeding, sanitation and Varroa control efforts. The results for WA beekeepers are posted on the website: http://pnwhoneybeesurvey.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/2016-LeCBA-and-WA-Report.pdf There were 52 WA respondents included in the WA report Colony loss levels (more…)
  • Survivor Queen Producers
    The Association is often asked for sources of queens. Here is a partial list. You can always ask if someone in the association is breeding any too. Sam Comfort  –  Northern NY Kirk Webster – Vermont  Michael Palmer – Vermont  Dan Harvey – Wilderness Apiaries Washington John Jacobson – Old Sol Apiaries Rogue River, Oregon (more…)
  • Fortified Sugar Block Recipe
    Lauri Miller Fortified Sugar Block Recipe 25# cane sugar one scant quart cider vinegar 1/2 tsp of electrolytes 1-2 Tbs citric acid (found in your canning dept) Splash of Pro Health or other scented essential oil of choice Mix together about 1/3 of the sugar and vinegar at a time in a five gallon bucket (more…)
  • Native Pollinators Study Group
    Where? Traditions Cafe, 5th and Water St, downtown Olympia When? Monday Oct 24, 7 pm Pollinators play a significant role in successful crop production. Research suggests that native pollinators are responsible for a larger percentage of crop success than had long been supposed. Modern agricultural practices can disrupt native pollinator reproduction. Eli Bloom, a WSU (more…)
  • Do you get the Beeline Newsletter?
    The association publishes a monthly newsletter to provide members and guests with current information about our meetings, beekeeping fundamentals, issues of special interest and other related information. We are swapping over to a new system to send them (MailChimp). Starting with the Membership Chair’s master list. there is no harm in trying to add your email (more…)
  • OBA Email Management
    The Association is currently upgrading its email software/service. This will allow us to better serve and distribute the Beeline and other notices to members. You may get an automated message to “Subscribe” or for a “Subscription” to this service (powered by MailChimp). Please accept this request. (an example is pictured)
  • Mite Busters! How to avoid colony loss this winter.
    To avoid colony loss this winter you MUST act now! Our August Program featured the dynamic honey bee expert and Green River College Professor Danny Najera sharing his latest knowledge and information. Download: The Mite Busters Handout (PDF 10.5MB) More links for Danny’s work; See GRCC honeybees on Facebook here! Make donations to his honeybee (more…)
  • Workshop with Dr. Dewey Caron
    Just Announced by the Pierce County Beekeepers Association This is a special opportunity to learn specific tricks and techniques to get your bee colonies ready for winter. Fall Management Techniques With Dr. Dewey Caron Sponsored by the Pierce County Beekeepers Association September 17, 2016 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Allmendinger Center, WSU Puyallup Campus, 2606 West (more…)
  • Invitation to members: Washington State Fair Honey Show & Competition
    All are invited to enter exhibits for the Washington State Fair Honey Show & Competition in Puyallup, WA. Attached you will find the Honey Show Premium List showing you all the details and rules of the show. Also attached is a flyer you can print and share with all beekeepers. Our honey show is statewide. (more…)
  • (no title)
    This month’s presenter is Hillary Burgess from the University of Washington. Hillary did her master’s thesis on landscaping for pollinators, and here’s a link for a bit more information about her work: http://www.biodiverseperspectives.com/author/ hkb10uw-edu/ We’re excited to welcome her to the OBA for our June 2016 program.
  • Honey Bee Project at the Governor’s Mansion
    Two hives were placed on the front lawn of the Governor’s Executive Residence at the Washington State Capitol and honey bees installed on April 20, 2016. The project, a collaboration between the Olympia Beekeepers Association and the Washington Department of Enterprise Services will help raise public awareness about the decline of bee populations, our dependence (more…)
  • Honey Bees Coming to the Washington State Governors Mansion!
    Installation of stand and hive boxes was completed today by the OBA’s Capitol Bee Team. The new buzzing residents at the Governor’s Mansion will officially arrive on April 20th. The OBA is thrilled to be collaborating with Governor and Mrs. Inslee and the Department of Enterprise Services at the Capitol on this project.
  • Bee a Pollinator!
    Check out the Bee a Pollinator page to find out how you can help bees and join the campaign!